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The Corporate Challenge


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Success Stories
"I have finally found a form of exercise that I actually enjoy with TransformHers bootcamps. I have almost dropped a whole pant size (a lot of my clothes are too big now!) and feel great after each session. It also gives me an opportunity to get outdoors more during the week which doesn't normally happen with my usual work routine."
Lee-Anne Holmes-Theron
"Never before have I enjoyed my training sessions. I have been with TransformHERS for two months and will be signing up again for the next camp. Training with Ru is such a pleasure, I'm already seeing a difference -still a long way to go but I will get there. "
Thandi Mpanza
"Thank you for getting me back into exercise. I had not done formal exercise for about 10 years, so what a shock to the system to get straight into it. I really enjoy the sessions even though they were tough and hard. I have felt a significant difference in the tone of my body and was pleased to see my progress at the end of the programme. I am even craving exercise and do long walks and specific body training (learnt in the sessions) everyday. "
Kirsten Davids
"I really enjoyed my experience at TransformHERS. It was awesome, tough at times, but so much fun. Our trainer Sibi was great and nice to meet new people! Would recommend it to anyone wanting a great work out and have a laugh!"
Chantel Van Deventer

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iTransform Challenge

Lose Weight, Get Fit & WIN R5000

Next challenge #9
StartsMon 1st October
EndsWed 5th December
Entries closeFriday 21st September


You have the willpower to take control of your life. Be transformed into a fitter, leaner and healthier YOU!

Come and take part in this comprehensive Challenge aimed at changing your lifestyle and helping you gain self-confidence and a more positive attitude through exercise, healthy eating and professional advice.

This 10-week challenge encourages and motivates you to strive for the body that you have always wanted. All the tools and advice are provided to ensure that the transformation process is done in a healthy, fun and maintainable way.

The iTransform Challenge includes:

R5000 cash to be won (This is based on % weight & % cm loss and fitness improvements).

TransformHERS provides you with 27 x 1 hour functional training fitness sessions conducted in an outdoor group environment. Training sessions will incorporate cardio, agility and strength exercises aimed at increasing fitness levels and improving muscle strength and tone. All necessary equipment will be provided (excluding an exercise mat) and sessions conducted by a group fitness trainer. You will be encouraged and motivated to reach your personal fitness goals, with monthly testing done to monitor your improvements. Some TransformHERS venues or time slots may only offer less workouts per week, however you are allowed to participate at any of the other training venues.

Our dietitian will also assist with any nutritional related queries and provide you with a discounted appointment. You will be supplied with product to maximise your workouts.

So, what is in it for you?

  • 27 outdoor fitness training sessions (Sandton, Sunninghill, Northcliff)
  • The option of healthy meals delivered to your door
  • Product to assist your training
  • Dietary advice
  • Body testing/measurements and advice
  • Training guide and meal plans
  • Great prizes up for grabs
  • TransformHERS T-shirt
  • A fit and healthy body and mindset

How it works:

The iTransform Challenge will run in conjunction with two consecutive TransformHERS Outdoor Fitness Programmes, taking 1 week off between Oct and Nov programmes. Fitness tests will be held once a month to monitor progress.

See below for important dates to diarise
ORIENTATION & BODY TESTINGSaturday 29 September (8am - 9:30)
Programme 1 1st October
1 week break
Programme 25th November
No week break
Programme 33rd - 5th December
FINAL BODY TESTINGSaturday 1st December
PRIZE-GIVING & DinnerThursday 6th December


Orientation and Body testing:(not to be missed!)

  • Informative talk regarding the Challenge
  • Collection of Goodie Bags
  • Body assessments
  • Photos
  • Meet your trainers
  • Meet your fellow Challengers


  • R2900 – This is a once-off fee for the 2 month iTransform Challenge


  • R1650 per month – This is the payment should you wish to pay monthly for 2 months

CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR SPOT! Places are limited.

Please read the terms and conditions for the iTransform Challenge

For more information contact admin@itransform.co.za


Success Stories from iTransform Challenge #1, #2, #3:

"TransformHERS has changed my life! Since starting the Challenge last month I have not looked back, I feel great inside and out and it can only get better. I love the sessions as we all have similar goals and motivate each other along the way. Rulene is an amazing trainer and coach. She inspires us to push ourselves and get involved. I cannot wait to get back into the pace again next month. Well done all!" - Debra Burton

“What an amazing journey this has been. After 3 months of challenging workouts, good laughs and pushing ourselves to new achievements I feel like a new person! I have learnt SO much about myself: what food my body does and doesn’t like, how to make easy and sustainable lifestyle changes to the way I eat and train, but most importantly being able to accomplish things that I never thought possible. When I started with TransformHERS in Feb 2013 in Durban I couldn't even run the 1km track let alone get to 20 push-ups or sit-ups on test day! Now my body is stronger and leaner and I feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. With any challenge like this there will be those days that test your resilience and will power, and I had them too. But overcoming those challenges, one at a time, and pushing towards your goal just motivates you to keep going. With hard work, focus and dedication you can win Thank you to Cheryl and Tarryn for your constant encouragement and support. I'm so looking forward to spending the R10,000 in NZ with my gorgeous sister.

For anyone reading this right now and wondering whether you should take part in the Feb 2014 iTransform Challenge – THIS IS YOUR SIGN! Yes it will be challenging, but it will be worth it. We may never know the results of our actions.... but if we do nothing there will be no result.” – Sheralee Oosthuizen

"Thank you so much ladies for affording me this opportunity, I have never looked this good and felt this good TransformHERS has changed my life and made me into an exercise freak. I am not giving up I still have a long way to go, I have to tone, and get some ripples around my abs and I know TransformHERS will get me there. Lee has been an absolute inspiration to me her encouragement all through camp not even the iTransform Challenge but from Jan when I first joined as just been wonderful pushing me to achieve, she is such a great person and I envy her ability to run such an endurance race like the comrades." - Nthabiseng Thaba

"The iTransform Challenge is such a life changing experience. From the exercise, to the balanced meals and great trainers, its a complete package to give you the motivation you need to see it through! I had great results and I feel very proud to fit back into my clothes again. Great programme" - Lezel Zietsman

"I had a great time during the challenge, it was intense on some days but always a lot of fun and I always left feeling satisfied with my workout. I had great support from my instructor who really pushed me to push harder, run faster and by the end of the last camp the exercises felt so easy. During this challenge I learnt a lot about myself and I realised that with a lot of determination and discipline I was able to reach my goals achieve great results both with body and fitness. I lost a lot of cm's and body fat and dropped 2 dress sizes, which is amazing. It has been a while since I last fitted into a size 34 jeans, and even those are starting to fall off! LOL!! I would definitely recommend the challenge to anyone wanting to improve on their overall fitness, health and lifestyle. I have now become one of those crazy fitness freaks and this is only the beginning of my fitness journey. Thank you TransformHERS for laying down the foundations for my fitness goals, I really had an amazing experience" - Gailene Oberholzer

"Wow , what a journey ladies !!!!!!! getting my fitness levels going.First week was tough, but have managed till now end of week 3, still going strong, can't wait for the weigh in. I love the food, (excellent) and enjoying that I do not have to do a lot of cooking in the week!!!!!" - Clementine Dzonzi